Bus Pass Information 2024-2025
Students in grades K-6 are automatically provided a bus and bus stop. These students DO NOT require a bus pass.
Students in grades 7-12 wishing to ride the bus are required to fill out a bus pass application. Applications for bus passes are due June 14th. If you have not signed up for a bus pass, please do so and send it in as soon as possible. We will process the request as quickly as we can. It may take a few weeks. Our bus-pass-reminder messages are set to go out to all grade 5-11 families via text and email each Tuesday at 6pm through the end of the school year, regardless of whether we have yet received your application and payment. If you send in your app and payment, rest assured we received it and processed it.
In order to register your grade 7-12 child for a school bus pass for the 2024-2025 school year, you must pay the bus fee at My School Bucks.
To create a My School Bucks account;
- Go to https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/register/getsignup.
- Follow the onscreen directions, completing all fields, to create an account.
- Verify your telephone number.
- Log into your new account with your email address and the password you just created.
- Follow the prompts for 2-step verification.
- Once logged in, click the Add Student button.
- Complete the form. Use your student’s birthday in MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Click Find Student, then click Add Student.
- Either Click Add Another Student or click Finish.
If you already have a My School Bucks account, click here.
Bus fees are $200.00 per student with a family cap of $400.00. If your child is eligible for free or reduced lunch due to income eligibility guidelines, the bus pass fees are waived, but this form is still required. We do not offer a reduced fee for one-way transportation.
Families with 3+ children should complete the paper bus application form and mail it with the payment to Grafton Public Schools Transportation, 30 Providence Road, Grafton MA 01519
The application and fee for bus passes is due by June 14, 2024 if you wish to have bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year. This is in order to facilitate our summer planning of bus routes. After June 14, 2024 a late fee of $25.00 per pass will be assessed. There will be no exceptions made for the late fee. Any transportation requests received after this date will be subject to availability of space on an existing bus route.
In order to eliminate postage expenses, bus passes will be available for pick-up during the weeks of August 19 -August 23, 2024.
Grafton Middle School Pick up 8-19-24 to 8-23-24, student bus passes may be picked up at Grafton Middle School, 22 Providence Road from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm each day.
Grafton High School Pick up 8-19-24 to 8-23-24, student bus passes may be picked up at Grafton High School, 24 Providence Road from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm each day. Passes will not be mailed out.
Questions by email may be sent to [email protected] . Thank you in advance for your attention and cooperation.